Nature-lovers. Young Artists. Curious Children; NYACC is a private , FULL DAY, Reggio Emilia enrichment learning program for preschool children ages 2-6 and precocious toddlers. Located in the beautiful countryside in Rowley, MA,  it offers Early Education, Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten. 

Art, dramatic play and music unleash your child’s imagination as they thrive in a combination teacher/ child led program. Life skills including cooking class teach cause and effect while engaging simple STEM principles. Bi-lingual lessons expand your child's natural linguistic abilities and introduce cultural inclusiveness.  At NYACC, your child is taught kindness as an extension of your own home values and rich outreach to others. Children work together while simultaneously expanding self esteem and form long lasting friendships. The outdoor classroom further extends a myriad of teachable moments throughout every season and encourages social engagement in our beautiful world. CONTACT NYACC to learn how children are kept safe following MA minimum guidance requirements during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 


Whether you grew up in a suburb, on a farm, or in a big city, you probably spent a lot of time playing outside, getting dirty, and coming home happy. Maybe you watched ants making anthills in your backyard, climbed trees or simply lay in the grass contemplating the drifting clouds. 

Research suggests that a connection to nature is biologically innate and as humans, we have an affinity for the natural world. When children spend most of their time indoors, however, they miss out. Problems associated with alienation from nature include depression, obesity, and attention deficit disorder. But children who have direct access to nature are much better learners. Exposure to nature has been shown to reduce stress and increase attention spans. When a child is out in nature, all the senses get activated. Children are  immersed in something bigger than themselves, rather than focusing narrowly on one thing, such as screen time. They are seeing, hearing, touching, even tasting. Out in nature, a child's brain has the chance to rejuvenate, so the next time they have to focus and pay attention they'll do better. 
Natural play- based learning with plenty of outdoor open space and imaginative indoor areas is ideal.  NYACC operates out of a 4600 sf dwelling with lots of bright sunshine, different rooms for learning, and as many outdoor activities as New England weather will allow. The property itself boasts over an acre of land that includes natural woods, forest, meandering streams and blooming flower beds.  Exploring backyard weeds, bugs, rocks and plants, short walks and long hikes in the neighborhood offer more opportunities to learn and grow.  Children count mailboxes, spot fire hydrants, practice crossing the street and work on mastering life skills. 


Art , drama and imaginative play all assist in molding  a child's emotional and intellectual development over the long term. Their imagination is key to unlocking logic and effective reasoning skills they'll use later in life. When children learn to listen and respect each other in group activities, they are practicing patience, self control, self regulation. Projects promote listening to direction and what consequentially happens when you don't. Fine motor skills are exercised through use of manipulatives and lateral thinking is a happy side effect when children engage their natural curiosity. 

Arts and crafts also offer opportunities to expand language and communication as children are often excited to talk about their creations. And children that are given free reign to make and paint to their hearts content will often match their work to their feelings.  Children that are encouraged to sketch, draw and scribble using paint, chalk , crayons and whatever they decide they'll use as tools excel. When they explore and experiment the world around them and are given the opportunity to be completely free range, they wow us with their genius.  Loose parts, for example, can quickly be building materials, pine needles; paint brushes,  and paper towel rolls; microphones . Traditional prop free games like duck duck goose and red light green light further engage their curious developing minds.


The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It was developed after World War II by a teacher, Loris Malaguzzi, and parents in the villages around Reggio Emilia in Italy. Following the war, people believed that children were in need of a new way of learning. The assumption of Malaguzzi and the parents was that people form their own personality during early years of development and that children are endowed with "a hundred languages" through which they can express their ideas. The aim of this approach is teaching how to use these symbolic languages (eg., painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life. The program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children.


Miss Ana,  (Ana Hammond), is a creative mom of two young children; Christian Blake and CarinaBelle.  Her past professional career as licensed Architectural Interior Designer (IIDA, AIA) and published cookbook author lends itself  uniquely to an enriching curriculum.  Ana holds countless hours of  continuing education in Early Childhood Development including course work specific to the Reggio Emilia approach.  Her teacher to student ratio  (8:1 ) ensures each child gets the attention they deserve and frequently incorporates One on One to hone in on lessons. Ana has an affinity for nature and cultural inclusiveness that's expressed in her organic play-based school.  Geared to children ages 2-6 and welcoming precocious toddlers, NYACC is EEC licensed in MA and offers exceptional Early Education, Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten.